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Prints are available in small editions, also framed on request, at and Printing is carried out by the renowned Whitewall laboratory. I don't use AI.
You were always at home in yourself.
Your smile is a cozy living room.
Your voice is an invitation to tea.
Claudine, your wrinkles are getting deeper.
How do you and nothingness fit together?
The long time of the last days
This picture surprised me myself. I had a composition with only architecture and abstract forms in mind. But something was missing. And again, it became the portrait of a person who is completely at peace with himself and has come to rest. It is about a state of holiness. It is the second picture I took after a short photo trip to Bologna and Florence.
Lucid geometric journey A - C
It is fascinating how a new, powerful whole suddenly develops through the arrangement of simple forms.
In my case, these forms are inhabited. Such a building is like a life that is clearly and powerfully aligned with a simple idea. Many earlier flying objects were equipped with sails, engines or
propellers. This is no longer necessary here. These are inhabited ideas. They are more metaphorically linked to the physical world.
All coffee machines are broken
The tower on the fictitious moon of Jupiter looks like a jumble of different industrial buildings. A purely functional building. Nothing living can be seen in the picture. If there are people living in the building, this life seems even more valuable in its dead surroundings. At the same time, there is something peaceful about the rapture of this world. And it would all be half as bad if the coffee machines weren't broken. This image later inspired me to write a song about a mine in space.
Mother: What you never were
fills my sadness with gold
Your brain is nature
We humans seem to be very domesticated today. But that is only superficial. I think that we always have our forest with us. The wilderness is within us. And what we see as the fixed shell of our lives is actually on the move and in a state of flux. Our culture cannot define us. And it is possible to search for ourselves beyond it.
I was always on the move.
Restless for many years.
Until from the echo of my dreams
a house grew around me.
Sit down. Time is a little girl.
After the pain
I sat in front of the window.
For years. And looked out at the world.
From my bullet holes
golden light streams.
I am star, house and garden.
We eat grass and earth
here at the edge of time.
They say one comes
from distant comfort.
Gardener, throw down flowers.
Let our grave be beautiful.
Where all the winds begin
stands a house.
Enter, your demons are already sitting at the table.
You will laugh when you see them,
What a warm reunion.
Your windows, father, are full of dust.
Your apple tree has withered.
You promised me rooms.
But your doors lack a house.
Who will you be
when I look back?
All was power
A visit to an agricultural museum and a hike in the snow-covered Darss-Zingst National Parc at the Baltic Sea
merged into a strange encounter. A positive image about strength, the power of childhood and fantasy. Is it a spaceship or an alternative means of transportation for the future? Probably neither.
For me, it's more like the materialization of a Pippi Longstocking-like moment.